Difference Between Web2 and Web3

The internet has evolved since its conception and is still evolving, rolling out different versions from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and currently web 3.0. Recently there has been so much buzz on web 3.0, it’s easy to get on the FOMO train. Here’s my interesting attempt to simplify it, and the differences between web2 and web3.

In Web 1.0, web pages were static, web content were served from the file system of servers. Users had access to data from almost any part of the world, but couldn't interact with the content, they were mostly consumers. This was the 'read-only' web

Web 2.0 was a switch from static pages to dynamic web content where users can interact with the content, with most of the content user-generated. With these brought innovations like social connectivity. Also this web is dominated by companies providing you services in exchange for your data, users have little or no control over their data.

Web 3.0 is the future of the internet. It focuses on the Semantic Web. The goal of Web3 is to make the internet more intelligent, autonomous and open. Web3 operates a decentralized model, there are no gatekeepers and the user is in control of their data and can choose to do with it whatever they want.

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